You may have recently been in a serious accident and needed to call on your insurance provider to recover assets. They were really nice when you went to set them up initially. Now they seem to be giving you serious problems.
This may be the result of an insurance provider acting in bad faith. This means your insurance provider is trying to find a way to avoid giving what they promised.
You might be the victim of bad-faith insurance if you notice these three signs.
1. Poor communication
One of the most immediate signs of bad-faith insurance is when your insurance company isn’t clear about what they are giving you.
They may be trying to hide behind generals and jargon to avoid saying what they mean. This may often be the case to try and confuse you about what your insurance involves.
They may even avoid calls and emails to try and frustrate you into leaving them alone. You may be calling or emailing so frequently they have to pick up. That doesn’t necessarily mean they will.
2. Denying a claim unfairly
Your accident may be so serious that it’s obvious to anyone your insurance should help you. Yet, it seems your insurance isn’t so sure. They may try and say your claim needs more investigation. They may even say the cause of your claim does not fall under what they provide.
3. An underwhelming offer
Your insurance might be entirely fine to give you an offer. You may receive the offer, only to find it way below what you expected. You may try to ask for a higher offer only for your insurance provider to deny what you are owed or subtly threaten that they won’t pay at all.
No one should have to be the victim of bad-faith insurance. If your insurance provider is causing issues with a claim then you may need experienced help to ensure you get what you are rightfully owed.