When an insurance company is operating in bad faith, they may drag their feet and make the process take longer or they may completely refuse to pay a claim that is entirely valid. This can leave you in a difficult position as a homeowner or a business owner who needs that money to repair the property.
After all, the damage may simply be getting worse. The longer that this takes, the more significant that damage is and the more expensive it’s going to be to fix.
Water damage after a storm
For example, perhaps your home was involved in a heavy storm. The roof was severely damaged and you filed an insurance claim to get it fixed. You don’t have the money on hand to simply pay to fix the roof on your own.
But then the insurance company refuses to pay. It’s still been raining, and now you’re getting extensive water damage inside your home. You could have issues like rot, mold, mildew, decay, discoloration and much more. When water damage gets extremely significant, it can cause ceilings to collapse and it can ruin walls, flooring and other home elements so that they all have to be replaced.
Moving forward with the insurance company
It’s understandable that this is a very frustrating situation to find yourself in. All you can think about is how the damage is getting worse every single day. If you are experiencing this, you need to know about all of the legal steps you can take to get the insurance company to pay what you are owed.