When you pay for business insurance, it can be frustrating to battle to get the payout you are entitled to. Yet, when push comes to shove, insurers often fail to live up to the caring image they portray.
Insurers are in it for the money. That is the bottom line, and their bottom line is the only thing that matters to them. They are massive corporations run to provide their shareholders with as much profit as possible. Once you understand that, it makes dealing with them simpler.
While the person on the end of the line may sound like they care, the nature of the company they work for leaves no room for sentiment. Their job is to limit how much the company pays you.
Insurers want you to give up
Insurers have several ways to avoid paying you what they should:
- Non-communication: When you get the “I’m sorry all our operators are busy, please try again later” voice message, it is purposeful. They could easily hire enough staff so that no customer ever had to wait. Yet, they know a percentage of people will not call back, saving them a payout.
- Obstruction: It is hard to file when the insurer throws more and more hurdles you need to jump through in your way. You think you have completed all the forms, and they send you another list of things you must do to file your claim. They know that most people hate form filling, and some will give in.
- Refusal: Insurance companies know that some claimants will give up straight away if they say no once. The more times they say no, the more people will concede defeat.
- Inadequate offers: They know that if they make a small offer, a percentage of people will accept it. If they raise that offer slightly, they can tick off another portion of the claims.
Having help to tackle an uncooperative insurer allows you to get on with running your business. Letting them know you will not give up without a fight makes it more likely you get a prompt resolution.