Most Americans know there are widespread mask mandates in public areas, and many of those Americans are happy to follow that mandate and wear their masks whenever they shop. However, some California residents continue to fight the necessity of a mask.
Businesses are the first-line defense against these rebels as consumers try to refuse to wear masks while shopping. It puts business owners in the middle of a debate while enforcing government regulations.
Why does this matter?
These ongoing debates create tension between employees and customers. Some residents even get unruly as they claim they have the right “to not wear a mask” on private property. Recently, legal experts questioned whether there is “a right” to not wear a mask during the mandate.
According to CBS 8 News, private companies should be able to remove customers who refuse to wear masks under a similar “no shirt, no shoes, no service” policy. Dan Barr, a constitutional attorney, explained people who preach the right to not wear a mask also forget about private property owners’ rights.
“When people say they have the right to not wear a mask they may as well say they have a right to not to wear clothes,” Barr told CBS.
Anti-maskers could wait for the mandate to be lifted or revoked, but the Californian courts continue to uphold the law into October 2020. Until the pandemic ends, businesses may need to be wary of how they approach enforcing masks and how they can make wearing a mask easier, such as providing disposable ones at the entrance.